This online publication is part of the research project Archiving Artistic Anxieties, by Adrijana Gvozdenović.
Editorial Team
diary: Joke Van den Heuvel
with Vijai Patchineelam and Adrijana Gvozdenović
website: Sina Seifee
The website is set up, published and produced with the support of a.pass and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, while this second edition is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, through the call for financing projects in order to overcome the negative consequences of the coronavirus epidemic in the cultural sector.
The content is inspired and made possible thanks to our stay in CONA Foundation in Mumbai (India) and with the collective O Bosque in Alentejo (Portugal).
Ova internetska publikacija dio je istraživačkog projekta Arhiviranje umjetničkih tjeskoba, autorice Adrijane Gvozdenović.
Urednički tim
dnevnik: Joke Van den Heuvel
sa Vijaijem Patchineelamom i Adrijanom Gvozdenović
web stranica: Sina Seifee
Web stranica je prvi put postavljena uz podršku a.pass-a i Kraljevske akademije likovnih umjetnosti Antwerpen, dok ovo drugo izdanje sufinancira Ministarstvo kulture Crne Gore, putem poziva za sufinanciranje projekata, sa ciljem prevladati negativne posljedice epidemije koronavirusa u kulturnom sektoru.
Sadržaj je inspirisan i omogućen boravkom u CONA fondaciji u Mumbaiju (Indija) i u kolektivu O Bosque u Alenteju (Portugalija).